There are a few basic requirements for all masonry heater installations. To determine whether you are able to install a masonry heater check your City and State regulations.

Sustainability is often defined by “design with nature.” Masonry heaters are a historical way to heat your home using all natural stone (thermal mass) and renewable fuel (wood) to create heat. Not only is this process utilizing natures resources the emissions from a masonry heater are far less harmful to the environment than any other wood burning heating appliance. Our heaters combine the resources of the earth with design and engineering to not only function extremely well but to be comfortable and attractive while doing it. Our masonry heaters play a major role in “green” home building and off the grid living. We integrate sustainability into our products, our attitudes and our lifestyles.
Clean Air
Air quality is an ongoing concern both inside your home and outside in the atmosphere. It is proven that the particulate emissions of masonry heaters are in the super-low category of 1-2 g/hour; in comparison to the current EPA requirement of 7.5 g/hr limit. Most wood stoves and fireplaces fall within the 5-7.5 g/hr range.In 2009 the Cold Climate Housing Research Center recommended to the EPA that masonry heaters receive “exempt status” paralleling current EPA language based on “inherent low emissions.” As a result, the EPA does not require certification for masonry heaters.
Clean and Green
Clean Burning :: Renewable Energy :: Sustainable Design
Discover the benefits of safe, comfortable, allergy reducing wood heat. Join the movement towards a cleaner, safer environment and freedom from imported fossil fuels. Masonry heaters are the cleanest way to heat with wood, period. Our heaters have a smaller carbon footprint than even the most efficient gas furnaces, stoves or fireplaces and consistently test cleaner burning that even the best EPA certified wood stoves.